Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this better than regular training wheels?

Traditional training wheels only help kids gain the strength and coordination of pedaling the bike. They do not train kids to balance. These allow kids to practice balancing by adjusting the stability.

Once the kids are comfortable with EZ training wheels at the lowest stability they are ready to ride a pedal bike.

Why is this better than a balance bike?

  • Balance bikes are great however they don't teach you how to balance and pedal at the same time. EZ Training Wheels allows for you to safely learn how to do both.
  • This is the quickest way to teach a kid to learn to ride. This is the easiest transition to riding a bike with pedals from a balance bike or training wheels. It allows you to practice both balancing and pedaling at the same time.
  • While some kids transition smoothly from balance bikes to pedal bikes, not all kids are as coordinated as others.
  • You only need one bike instead of a dedicated balance bike and a regular bike.

Where do you ship?

The EZ Training Wheels will be shipped worldwide.

When will the product be shipped?

The Early Bird EZ Training Wheels will be shipped in September 2024.

The other options will be shipped before the end of November 2024.

How do I select the size?

This fits most kids bikes 12 to 20 inches. If it does not fit your bike please let us know. To select the correct bike size please see the chart attached.

I already have a bike will EZ Training Wheels fit?

Yes! EZ Training Wheels fits most every bike, you can attach them to your bike at home if they have the holes for training wheels.

What age is best to start using EZ Training Wheels?

2 years and older is the perfect age to start learning how to ride a bike.